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Garden Of The Self || musings along the mystery stream

The Holy First Family. The Holy Self.

At Temple Of Gaeon, we approach the individual through 3 expansions. These being the main 3 dimensions of our total being. Spirit, Soul and Nature. Each expanding in more density from the last. As they expand, they expand throughout the field of existence that is encapsulated through the grid below.

The grid is a rendering of the field that is likened to an astral garden, darkness lit in a deep blue hue. A pillar growing from down to up, and a bridge that both crosses the pillar and also weaves around in a circle of the entire space. Rivers, and bodies of water surround the bridge. To step into the water is to step through innumerable doorways to innumerable places.

Along the edge of the bridge are flowers, but the flowers are stars.

This place described could be the liminal space of the brain, the psyche, our consciousness. The star flowers, become synapsis, portals to memories and dimensions of the mental plane.

Though not at all. It’s simultaneously as the collective consciousness, and each star flowering- as a single individual’s cosmos. To enter the star flower is to become in a microcosm of that same space.

The many doorways in the waters leading to infinite potential timelines, and outcomes, and parallel experience. Though not at all...

It is simultaneously gates to the other realms, and not only timelines within the paradismal field (Earth/GAIA/Manfiest experience)

It is myself, it is you, and in this place we are a single organism. In this place is the creative garden, gifted to us by The Most High.

In this place we tend not only to the fruits of ourself, but to the fruits of the Creator. We are a single child, gifted this vast garden of endless fruits, by a single Creator.

Though we’re not single at all.

For we walk in communion with our beloved Spirit, and in that we are one. Though we’re not one at all...

For we are you, and me, and the array of forms we have taken throughout the many planes of existence.

In this- existence is our body, existence swelled in our womb, and we give birth to ourself across endless forms. In this- we become as our Creator and we fragment ourself that is one across creation.

“To what end? We must know! To all ends. We must know! To the end that you are, and I am. To no ends, and all. Can 'I', that is but a fragment, speak of such things as to the ends of all? I can but view the ends of myself that is but this that I am. & in that, my ends are as this: To be.”

As we expand throughout this garden of our being, we become in further and further variance/distance from our Spirit that is ONE. In the space of this distance, becomes shadow.

Shadow, by its nature. Shrouds. In its position between yourself and the lighthouse of your Spirit, it can distort and shroud the source of your being. As you continue to expand yourself, and fragment into new form. You can forget all together from where you come, and think yourself only what you are now.

There is nothing wrong with this, and there is nothing wrong with Shadow. As all paths return us to Spirit, it is the snake eating its tail. We are birthing and consuming ourself always and never.

In this forgetting or shrouding of our source self. We can begin to experience divorce, and in divorce, we can experience suffering. Without the light of our Spirit to illuminate our inherent perfection in the embrace of The Most High.

Our eyes begin to see in distortion. Begin to conjure things as fear and guilt and shame. Of not enough, don’t deserve. As punishment and limitation and consequence. Of persecution. Whether we enact these distortions on ourself or another, makes no difference, as all that is expands from ourself.

It is easy to witness Shadow, and see only these affects. Though if we choose to come into that silent place. Deep within, where our Spirit sings to us eternal.

If we choose to follow that song, however faint at first. You may see, that the Shadow offers the great gift of Choice. The choice to experience ourself, and in turn The Most High in all variation. To choose to experience ourself in infinite and finite form. To experience ourself in union and divorce. To experience ourself in Shadow and Illumination.

Even more, to hold the illuminated eyes amidst the Shadow. To see that even here, resides the fruits of The Most High. That nothing is forbidden to us, nothing is off limits, and no path is wrong. For in all, is The Most High.

We work along the thrones as seen below in each sphere. Each of the thrones carries a dual polarity. A feminine and masculine, or a contracting and expanding face.

We begin in the union throne- the throne of creation. Mending communion in the dual faces of this throne, in correcting the divorce in the throne of creation. The unified face can now not only be presented to the hidden throne, but actually see it. The hidden throne of Spirit and the union throne of Nature are reconciled. In this reconciliation The Mother, The Father and The Holy Child of the self seat in communion along the great bridge.

Mending the king and queen of the union throne, and preparing the self, to meet the Spirit at the marital altar. In preparation, the Shadow element is processed through, in the form of a synthesized descent into the psyche. The self walks through the underworld of shame, fear, outdated programs and identities and pains. The desert of its own heart long divorced and fallen.

The self begins to see itself amidst Shadow, it begins to remember itself that is amidst Shadow. Rather than Shadow itself. In this, the self is able to see the light of its beloved Spirit shinning without end. The self remembers the union from which it came, and makes the sojourn to the hidden throne. The self returns home to the house of the Spirit. Where it is remembered of its original design.

The self sees clearly, where it has walked exiled, abandoned, and in torment. Searching with an empty cup for the love remembered like a dream in the embrace of the beloved Spirit. The self looks out along the garden and sees the element of Shadow, and in Shadow sees all of that suffering encapsulated.

For the first time, sees not something to fear. Rather, something of great innocence, something greatly misunderstood. In the self’s remembrance, is seen this child that was born in forgetting and raised forsaken.

The self and Spirit embrace this holy child forsaken in their divorce, and in this communion Shadow becomes Illumination along the central pillar. Revealing the unified Mother in the lower throne and the unified Father in the upper throne. Where they preside as Mother, Father and Holy Child over the garden of existence- your existence.

This triune communion, enables your individual cosmos' access to your original design. Enabling you to extend into your manifest life in the authority, power and inheritance of the high house of your Spirit.

The elixir of this inner communion able to grow in concentration through the chalice of your manifest persona and embodiment.

If you're picking up what we're throwing down, beloved ONE-

  1. Click below to access the full mythos & the practical systems revealed through the allegories within the mythos


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