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Caramel Brown Silk


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dragging the weight of unexplored potential & silenced voices, hiding from the divine potency of your truest self.

holding what you truly desire hostage inside of you, afraid of the consequences of truly stepping out of the sweet, safe embrace of suppression-


beloved, this place is for you. who are ready to open your eyes in the shadows, to face the forsaken of yourself. 

& call it all to the table. The dark, the light, the shadow. to wield the spectrum of yourself & lead your true & full capacity in the direction of your desires. 


that is what the new aeon is all about. 

exalting the forsaken. communion in the face of long expired doctrines of duality & in this-

re-instating the material world as a field to realize your Spirit. rather than escape it. 

if this speaks to you, if you're picking up what we're throwing down. 

explore, peruse & continue to check out what's on offer. 

to choose how you want to get started with this work.

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Caramel Brown Silk


are you feeling this transmission & desire to come further with us? continue below to enter our free micro program...

Caramel Brown Silk


are you ready to walk w/ us?

step into a new way of life, serving the revelation of your Spirit. Become a member of the Temple...

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The Babalon Path is an initiatory membership that offers entrance to a devotional lifestyle of making the Spirit flesh. 


Taking the path of the forsaken feminine-


-Through the under realms of the self

-Ascending in her return to heaven

-Reuniting with her beloved Masculine 

& anchoring this communion into embodiment 

Rebirthing the heavens unto Earth/GAIA


This is deep alchemical work. Initiating into the inner mystery temple & becoming a living custodian of your Spirit's design into this world at this pivotal time. 


That the Divine Feminine re-member herself & rebirth her beloved from shadow into the light of dawn.

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